Comment 0 for bug 1585686

Revision history for this message
Kristina Berezovskaia (kkuznetsova) wrote :

Detailed bug description:
 VM with DPDK has an ERROR state after evacuation on env with cinder

Steps to reproduce:
 1) Deploy env with DPDK and cinder
 2) Create new flavor:
nova flavor-create m1.small.hpgs auto 512 1 1
nova flavor-key m1.small.hpgs set hw:mem_page_size=2048
 3) Boot vm with DPDK and new flavor
 4) Stop nova-compute
 5) Evacuate vm
Expectes result: vm is on proper node
Actual result: vm is in error state

Description of the environment:
cat /etc/fuel_build_id:
cat /etc/fuel_build_number:
cat /etc/fuel_release:
cat /etc/fuel_openstack_version:
rpm -qa | egrep 'fuel|astute|network-checker|nailgun|packetary|shotgun':
1 controller, 2 compute with dpdk, HP and cinder, 2 compute with HP and cinder