Comment 4 for bug 1583033

Revision history for this message
Alexander Koryagin (akoryagin) wrote :


So we have a clear error here:
. . .
2) NOK - With a help of 'openstack' try to put file to container:
  # . openrc
  # openstack container create TESTBUCKET01 -f json
          "account": "v1",
          "container": "TESTBUCKET01",
          "x-trans-id": "tx00000000000000000065e-00573c1cd0-5ea5-default"

  # openstack object create TESTBUCKET01 /tmp/ObjStor_somefile -f json
      >>> Unable to establish connection to

  # openstack object list TESTBUCKET01 --long -f json
. . .
And there is no option for segmentation in 'openstack object create'.

Why do you think that this issue is 'invalid'?