Comment 2 for bug 1507956

Revision history for this message
Roman Podoliaka (rpodolyaka) wrote :

Another thing I'm worried about is that dictionaries are displayed as Python literals:

{u'ssh_username': u'ironic', u'deploy_kernel': u'8730e575-e7bb-4273 |
| | -b19b-142ad63f4bd2', u'deploy_ramdisk': u'cf363dfe-ae04-4807-944e- |
| | c1cb450718cf', u'ssh_password': u'******', u'ssh_virt_type': u'virsh', |
| | u'ssh_address': u'', u'deploy_squashfs': u'a8c97824-cbce- |
| | 4bb8-b5c5-500caa41c62a'}

rather than being properly printed to the standard output stream.

I think, this can break, if a non-ascii character is used in the properties names/values.