Comment 0 for bug 1651442

Revision history for this message
Alexander Gromov (agromov) wrote :

MOS 9.2 snapshot #655

During running the test for verification bug the following error has been found in neutron server logs:

Steps to reproduce:
1. Update quotas for creation a lot of networks
2. Create 50 networks, subnets, launch and terminate instanсe
3. Ban two dhcp agents related to the first network
4. Ban two l3 agents
5. Check /var/log/neutron/server.log file for errors.

Expected results:
Only Quota errors exist in neutron server logs (as neutron can't create more than about 34 networks).

Actual error:
neutron.db.agentschedulers_db error is found in /var/log/neutron/server.log on one controller.

The following script can be used for reproducing this situation: