Comment 0 for bug 1642906

Revision history for this message
Kristina Berezovskaia (kkuznetsova) wrote :

Detailed bug description:
Can't ping vm in one net from another vm in another net. Both nets have IPv6 subnets and connect with each other by router

Steps to reproduce:
1) Create net01
2) Create net02
neutron net-create net06
neutron net-create net07
3) Create 2 new IPv6 address-scopes and subnetpools
neutron address-scope-create —shared address-scope-ip6_6 6
neutron subnetpool-create —address-scope address-scope-ip6_6 —pool-prefix 2001:db8:4321:46::/64 —default-prefixlen 64 public-pool_6

neutron address-scope-create —shared address-scope-ip6_7 6
neutron subnetpool-create —address-scope address-scope-ip6_7 —pool-prefix 2001:db8:4321:47::/64 —default-prefixlen 64 public-pool_7
4) Create 2 new IPv6 subnets for net01 and net02
neutron subnet-create net06 —name subnet__net06_ipv6 —ip_version 6 —ipv6_ra_mode dhcpv6-stateless —ipv6_address_mode dhcpv6-stateless —subnetpool public-pool_6
neutron subnet-create net07 —name subnet__net07_ipv6 —ip_version 6 —ipv6_ra_mode dhcpv6-stateless —ipv6_address_mode dhcpv6-stateless —subnetpool public-pool_7
5) Create router
neutron router-create router06_07
6) Set gatawey
neutron router-gateway-set router06_07 admin_floating_net
7) Add interfaces to the router with subnet01 and subnet02
neutron router-interface-add router06_07 subnet__net06_ipv6
neutron router-interface-add router06_07 subnet__net07_ipv6
8) Boot vm in net01 and vm in net02
nova boot vm_с_2 —flavor 1 —image TestVM —nic net-name=net07 —security-groups 5aa59a86-f6af-41c3-88c8-ad024344e666 —key-name vm_key
nova boot vm_c_1 —flavor 1 —image TestVM —nic net-name=net06 —security-groups 5aa59a86-f6af-41c3-88c8-ad024344e666 —key-name vm_key
9) Go to one vm with dhcp namespace
ip net e qdhcp-0c0b0467-4817-45a4-bc08-327245e2bd4c ssh -6 cirros@2001:db8:4321:46:f816:3eff:fed5:ad55
10) Ping another vm (ping6 <IPv6 address>
Expected results: ping is available
Actual results: ping isn't availavle

Description of the environment:*view*/
CUSTOM_VERSION=snapshot #465

Additional information:
Tre results are the same for DPDK env and without DPDK. It looks like there are no routes to the other nets. If vms are in one net, it's OK
I checked the situation for 3 types. And have the results below:
1) ipv6_ra_mode=not set; ipv6-address-mode=slaac - can't even go to vm
2) ipv6_ra_mode=not set; ipv6-address-mode=dhcpv6-stateful - can't even go to vm
3) ipv6_ra_mode=not set; ipv6-address-mode=dhcpv6-stateless - can't even go to vm
4) ipv6_ra_mode=slaac; ipv6-address-mode=not-set - can't even go to vm
5) ipv6_ra_mode=dhcpv6-stateful; ipv6-address-mode=not-set - can't even do to vm
6) ipv6_ra_mode=dhcpv6-stateless; ipv6-address-mode=not-set - can go to vm, but can't ping vm in the second net
7) ipv6_ra_mode=slaac; ipv6-address-mode=slaac - can go to vm, but can't ping vm in the second net
8) ipv6_ra_mode=dhcpv6-stateful; ipv6-address-mode=dhcpv6-stateful - can't even go to vm
9) ipv6_ra_mode=dhcpv6-stateless; ipv6-address-mode=dhcpv6-stateless - can go to vm, but can't ping vm in the second net