Comment 8 for bug 1592019

Revision history for this message
Sergey Kolekonov (skolekonov) wrote :

From logs:
2016-06-13T17:55:35.755348+00:00 warning: (Package[glance-api](provider=apt_fuel)) The following packages have unmet dependencies:
2016-06-13T17:55:35.755348+00:00 warning: (Package[glance-api](provider=apt_fuel)) glance-api : Depends: glance-common (= 2:12.0.0-3~u14.04+mos12) but it is not going to be installed
2016-06-13T17:55:35.757358+00:00 warning: (Package[glance-api](provider=apt_fuel)) E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
2016-06-13T17:55:51.854041+00:00 warning: (Package[glance-api](provider=apt_fuel)) Attempt '3' of '3' has failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install glance-api' returned 100: Reading package lists...

Are you sure you had correctly disabled experimental repo before trying to re-deploy your cluster?