Comment 0 for bug 1571704

Revision history for this message
Andrey Sledzinskiy (asledzinskiy) wrote : ssh keys aren't added when create instance with key pair

1. Deploy next cluster - neutron vxlan, 3 controller, 2 compute, 1 cinder

2. Ssh to controller after deployment and create key pair
nova keypair-add instancekey
chmod 400 root/.ssh/instancekey_rsa

3. Create instance with keypair
nova boot myins --image 8ae0a8a0-f6c5-40b1-8131-9466fc3955e6 --flavor 1 --nic net-id=7d7da90b-0d44-439e-88e5-9cede5ccbd49 --key-name instancekey

4. Try to ssh to instance and check connectivity from controller using generated key
ip netns exec qdhcp-7d7da90b-0d44-439e-88e5-9cede5ccbd49 ssh -i /root/.ssh/instancekey_rsa -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' cirros@ "ping -c 1"

Expected - password isn't required
Actual - password was asked

nova console-log - :
failed to get
warning: no ec2 metadata for user-data
mkdir: can't create directory '.ssh': No space left on device

so ssh key wasn't added on instance

it also might be a problem with cirros image that has been changed a lot recently