Comment 0 for bug 1463522

Revision history for this message
Aleksandr Shaposhnikov (alashai8) wrote :

Basically all on the controllers nodes have a lot glance processes consuming a lot of CPU resources.
On cluster there is no active provisioning or snapshotting.

Here is some information:

root@node-8:~# glance image-list --all-tenants
| ID | Name | Disk Format | Container Format | Size | Status |
| 44bd0e36-0a4e-44d6-b5b0-f16b38abd3db | TestVM | qcow2 | bare | 14024704 | active |
root@node-8:~# top

Tasks: 443 total, 4 running, 439 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 35.0 us, 3.6 sy, 0.0 ni, 60.4 id, 0.1 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.8 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem: 32913976 total, 32647224 used, 266752 free, 144372 buffers
KiB Swap: 16777212 total, 1476 used, 16775736 free. 15889604 cached Mem

 5872 glance 20 0 2963992 159628 9316 R 24.2 0.5 96:22.79 glance-api
 5866 glance 20 0 2921064 113452 9316 S 18.2 0.3 110:35.66 glance-api
 5867 glance 20 0 3576688 115964 9316 S 18.2 0.4 103:15.95 glance-api
 5868 glance 20 0 5173904 144564 9316 S 18.2 0.4 104:06.07 glance-api
 5869 glance 20 0 2985956 175728 9316 S 18.2 0.5 83:01.87 glance-api
 5870 glance 20 0 2939812 135292 9316 S 18.2 0.4 111:22.43 glance-api
 5871 glance 20 0 2954588 151700 9320 S 18.2 0.5 119:42.82 glance-api
 5873 glance 20 0 2997468 192524 9292 S 18.2 0.6 109:54.66 glance-api
 5874 glance 20 0 2981164 179176 9316 S 18.2 0.5 105:45.58 glance-api
 5876 glance 20 0 3009780 200332 9292 S 18.2 0.6 99:36.75 glance-api
 5856 cinder 20 0 282696 87076 3920 S 12.1 0.3 20:23.18 cinder-api
 5865 glance 20 0 2988316 184412 9320 S 12.1 0.6 108:24.61 glance-api
 5875 glance 20 0 2988312 183496 9316 R 12.1 0.6 93:03.88 glance-api
    4 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 6.1 0.0 1:48.71 kworker/0:0

MOS 6.1 build #521

Will attach snapshot later once it will be downloaded.