Comment 0 for bug 1418931

Revision history for this message
Kyrylo Romanenko (kromanenko) wrote :

Project admin user can disable his only project and then can`t to relogin back.

1. Logged-in to Horizon as admin.
2. Created user "barsik".
3. Then edited project named "services": added "barsik" as "_member_" and "admin" there.
4. Logout.
5. Logged back as "barsik".
6. Go to Identity -> Projects.
7. Set project "services" Enabled=False by checkbox.
 Get red popup Error: Not authorized to do this operation. It`s quite expected to be not able to do this.
 Cancel action by "X" button
 (screenshot frame 1)
Got error: Error: Unauthorized: Unable to retrieve project list.
Also could not to retrieve contents of any another page with errors like this.

8. Logout
9. Try to login back as "barsik".

Could not login back (screenshot frame 2): Unable to authenticate to any available projects.

10. Login back as admin. See that project "services" is disabled.
(screenshot frame 3)

MOS 6.1 build
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