Comment 1 for bug 276507

Revision history for this message
Toby Long-Leather (tobyll) wrote :

I have developed a simple patch that ignores certain files/directories based on an entry in elisa.conf

Sample snippet from elisa.conf:
video = [u'/home/tobyll/Videos']
pictures = [u'/home/tobyll/Pictures']
music = [u'/home/tobyll/Music']
# Any files that match one of the following regexps will be ignored by the media scanner. N.B. ^=start of string, $=end of string
ignore_file_regexps = ['/Raw/', '\\.thm$', 'AlbumArt.*\\.jpg$', 'Folder\\.jpg$']

The ignore_file_regexps will ignore any path that contains a directory called Raw, any file ending in .thm, and also the AlbumArt*.jpg and Folder.jpg files

This is my first time coding in Python, so please check the code carefully!