Comment 2 for bug 1559758

Revision history for this message
raghunath (raghunath-d) wrote :


 The issue related to 1559758 is resolved by installing libvirt-python,lxml,nova and neutron clients.

/opt/monasca-agent/bin/pip install libvirt-python
/opt/monasca-agent/bin/pip install lxml

But still monasca is unable to monitor the newly created vm.

Here is the log:
2016-04-19 00:13:28 MDT | ERROR | collector | monasca_agent.collector.checks.check.libvirt( | instance-00000002 is not known to nova after instance cache update -- skipping this ghost VM.
Already bug is raised on the above issue and it is in closed state,but it is not working in the latest setup.