Comment 4 for bug 156932

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Bob Spencer (bob-spencer) wrote :

<bspencer> ToddBrandt, 156932: hildon-desktop fails or crashes if it cannot find /dev/mixer device
<ToddBrandt> well, the volume sapplet was what was looking for /dev/mixer, and if it crashes, hildon-desktop crashes
<ToddBrandt> so I changed it to just do nothing if it doesn't find /dev/mixer, it just creates the slider but the slider does nothing, since there's no way to cleanly kill an sapplet in hildon-deskp[
<ToddBrandt> went in on wed of last week, moblin-applets 0.16 I think.
<bspencer> cool. I would rather have it show no slider and when you clicked on the icon it popped up a dialog that said "No sound device present"
<ToddBrandt> we could, but the bug only happens in xephyr, so I thought it would be better to just show the user what the slider would look like if dev/mixer was there
<ToddBrandt> well, I guess it also happens on CB with no soudn card
<ToddBrandt> I can make that change, one moment
<bspencer> ToddBrandt, thanks. That will be somewhat informative at least.