Comment 2 for bug 1692323

Revision history for this message
Matthew Exon (ubuntubugs-mexon) wrote :

OK, it's back to normal again. I had two problems:

1) cheroot wasn't installed on the server
2) the android version was out of date

I guess both of those are RTFM moments, but I think Mnemosyne could stand to be more user-friendly:

* Most packaging systems, such as autotools, check missing dependencies and abort before building, let alone installing. I took the fact that it was installing to mean that the dependencies were satisfied
* The "version mismatch" error message isn't very helpful. It should say which version is running on the server, and which on the client
* It should be possible to synchronise across minor version changes, especially if the server is ahead of the client
* The Android client should phone home to find out if there's a new version available. I know, normal people use Play. Just an old man yelling at clouds here...

Thanks for your help!