Comment 0 for bug 684897

Revision history for this message
Morten Kjeldgaard (mok0) wrote :

There is a bug in mmdb affecting the processing of anisou records. The following FORTRAN program fails, when linked to the CCP4 library (or gpp4)

      program testanisou

      integer ixyzin
      integer iser, ires, iz
      character*1 chnnam, inscod, altcod
      character*3 typ
      character*4 atom, resno, segid, idd
      real x(3), occ, biso, u(6)

      ifail = 0
      ldum = 80
      ixyzin = 0

      call ccpfyp
      call xyzinit
      call xyzopen('1eft.pdb','INPUT',' ',ixyzin, ifail)

 1 continue
        call xyzadvance(ixyzin, 0, 0, *1000, *1000)
        call xyzatom(ixyzin, iser, atom, typ, chnnam, ires, resno,
     & inscod, altcod, segid, iz, idd)
        call xyzcoord(ixyzin,'F','F',x(1),x(2),x(3),occ,biso,u)
        write (6,*) 'x=',x,'occ=',occ,'biso=',biso,'u=',u
        goto 1

 1000 continue
