Comment 62 for bug 938180

Revision history for this message
Daniel Schürmann (daschuer) wrote :

> By providing the source code we enable users to modify the code and build their own, customized version. Our license allows this. I think we can agree to never accept any code contributions that would restrict those rights.

This seems to me to be the most critical point. In case a user uses a Mixxx for to violate his contract with the streaming company, it might throw bad light on Mixxx as a whole, which may leads to backlist Mixxx as streaming client. All our streaming efforts are on a risk, so we should make sure that the forks can be identified as forks.

Does this still match your opinion?

By the way, it is quite easy to record any stream using a loopback device.
The user has already the option to violate the contract by using this, independent from Mixxx.
Since YouTube pays for GEMA it is even legal in Germany to record YouTube videos :-)