Comment 0 for bug 894176

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RJ Skerry-Ryan (rryan) wrote :

We have too many people using out-of-date versions of Mixxx.

I propose adding a simple request to

which returns a simple JSON object:

{ 'version': '1.10.0' }

or something similar. Then we can add a check on startup to notify the user if their version of Mixxx is out of date.

It has to be disable-able via scons flag (for Debian packaging, etc.). There is also the issue of tracking people -- some will not want Mixxx to go check by default. We should make it easy to turn off via a checkbox in the installer. I am in favor of letting it default to checked, though.

On OS X, there is no installer so we may have to ask via a pop-up on first-run. Perhaps we could make use of the intro-dialog that Mixxx 1.8.0 used for promo-tracks agreement for this.