Comment 10 for bug 517373

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

This all makes sense to me and I agree. Regarding the MIDI script errors, I've already changed qCriticals into friendly qWarnings unless running with --midiDebug in the script timers branch. One problem with using DlgMIDI to pop error dialogs is that some errors (like exceptions) don't occur on load but when the function is actually executed, so how can we let the user know to at least expect erratic behavior? (See r2274 of the features_scriptTimers branch and my related merge proposal comment.)

Obviously doing any of this this via our own messaging is the way to go. Can we implement it for 1.8?

And it sounds like we should continue to use errorDialog for qCriticals.