Comment 7 for bug 198400

Revision history for this message
ironstorm (ironstorm-gmail) wrote :

> restructuring the whole method is more sane for me.
> i think of a sequence like this:

> 1. handeling-code for nonbuttons
> 2. second = 0 -> setBits and go to hell (return)
> 3. handeling-code for buttons

The plan to do it as a 'set' would be to eventually roll this code up to libDJConsole in the form of an isButton(int first) function. Perhaps I'll just do an isButton function in the code under the MONITOR const block to make that easier.

Eventually we are planning to remove all the Hercules specific support code (both libDJConsole & herculeslinuxlegacy) and use MIDI mappings for the Hercules series as we do on Windows/OSX. We're optimistic Hercules will provide us MIDI drivers for Linux in the not too distant future to make this happen.

For that reason, I'd like to avoid doing any changes purely for aesthetic reasons if possible; there is more important work to be done.