Comment 0 for bug 1978507

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Kyle K. (zapon111) wrote :

Steps to reproduce:
If you open any Song in Mixxx, and then add a Beatloop, Reloop, or use the Loop In and Loop Out Markers, it adds markers on the Waveform of the Song in Mixxx - These Markers stay on the Waveform whenther or not it is active , or if you've turned it off.

I have noticed these when DJ'ing and set building ,from when I had bumped the Loop buttons and have the markers on my waveforms for a few songs even though I do not use this functionality on those songs.

You can bring up the song , and right click it in the list and loop through the reset options, but none of the things you can reset about a song will clear these markers on the waveforms displayed in Mixxx.

I recently remembered this when watching someone using Rekordbox, demonstrating they could clear loop markers on their Song Waveforms and I remembered this. I

This feature might be considered a nice to have- , but I would like the ability to perhaps right click, reset- Loop Markers added to the Reset menu. That seems to be the simplest way of handling this- if they can be removed. If loop markers are not able to be removed , would it be possible to develop an option give an option to clear a Music track of active and inactive loop markers on the Waveform, somehow?