Comment 0 for bug 1943320

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Damian Wheel (tfwnogf) wrote :

I encountered this yesterday but quickly found a fix (removing the config file). This bug has not happened since.

I've never manually edited the config file, all the settings were set from Mixxx's GUI.

Description of the bug: Mixxx will be at 50% CPU usage at launch (orange in the CPU load), then it will go red and take 100% few seconds later. No music could be played when this happend.

Fyi, Mixxx never reached the orange CPU load before on my computer, even when playing 4 decks with lots of FX.

Is it possible the config file was somehow corrupted, or it's a combination of settings that caused this crash?

I attached the logfile, if you want to have a look at my configfile:
The password to read it is snQSG2ivju