Comment 3 for bug 1777480

Revision history for this message
Dale (dj-kaza) wrote :

"The only thing that I can confirm it that the CUE respects quantize when the track is paused but not hot cues."

Not sure what you mean about this, both Cue and HotCues respect Quantise when on and are only triggered or set on the beatmarker when activated from Pause here....

"I cannot confirm the bug."

The fact it is intermittent and I'd never got a grasp on exact characteristics, yet alone a way to easily recreate the issue, is part of why I hadn't reported the bug before another user posted the same issue on the forum (along with the fact I stopped pretty much ever using Quantise anyway so it doesn't overly affect me most of the time.)

"Is quantized CUE and Play also effected?"

Yes Play is also affected sometimes, I never use the standard Cue button.

"What is your audio buffer size?"

Mixxx reports the 23.2ms buffer and this is not possible to be changed from Preferences. Jack is set to 44.1kHz, 128 frames, 3 buffers to give a latency of 8.71ms.

"Did you enable constant beat grids?"

Some people think I'm weird but I always analyse with Assume Constant Tempo enabled. I like to have a consistent beatgrid and know if a track varies from a solid tempo and manually adjest, rather than getting to try and keep tracks with a drifting tempo in time using Master Sync.