Comment 4 for bug 1743699

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alec.tron (alectron) wrote :

Thanks for the reply!

As for the aiode documentation, the one thing that doesn't click yet is:
"Mixxx only supports a single genre per track. But you could encode multiple genres into this field by using a separator like " - " (space dash space): "Pop - Rock"."

The convention MusicBee & Foobar both have adopted is injecting NULLs into ID3 fields, I assume as per the official spec ( ).
Flac/Vorbis on the other hand always had multi-field declarations as part of the spec.
So having multiple (eg) genres is embedded into the metadata spec/system.

How does being able to read multi-value metadata work in practice in Mixxx if "Mixxx only supports a single genre per track" ?
That doesn't quite compute yet.