Comment 0 for bug 1552672

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Jorge Rosa (jorgerosa) wrote :

Not a bug, maybe just a wish.
In waves i can see the beat grid. There is a way to get a value each time a beat is playing?

In practice, I mean:
Eg.1) Mixxx would output values (for eg. from "[Master],volume"), so I´ll grab that values, and send to (eg) USB and a light is turning on, or to an screen graphic that changes its color intensity/opacity/etc... everything sync with that palying song beat.
Eg.2) Something similar to:
Eg.3) Example videos:

Or maybe, after all, all of this is not needed?
Maybe I could get already the volume values, grabing them from "[Master],volume", and could output them by simply creating a plugin for Mixxx?...

Lets hope that I had explained this well...
Sorry for my engrish!... I´ll forgive for yours too... :p

Jorge Rosa