Comment 11 for bug 1404637

Revision history for this message
RJ Skerry-Ryan (rryan) wrote :

Default changed in

As for the overview type -- we discussed:
1) switch normalized overview on by default
2) switch to RGB overview

I spent nearly an hour comparing filtered and RGB overviews across my tracks. I tried my best to force myself to be "blind" by predicting what a section would sound like and then jumping to it to see how much the information I gained from the overview aided my predictions.

A lot of times the pixel heights of the 3 bands in Filtered mode didn't tell me much (i.e. I was unsure what a section would sound like) while the RGB colors were fairly informative (I could tell whether a section was low frequency or high frequency based on how red or blue it was). Sections that were purple-ish were a combination of bass-y and high-frequency (hats, chimes, etc.). Sections that were "cool" blues (cyan, light blue) or orange tended to have vocals since they mixed in green. More than that I could see the "structure" of the track much better in RGB mode.

Normalizing the overview was sometimes deceiving. A section that occupied 3/4th of the overview seemed like it would be a high activity section but when I jumped to that section it was sometimes a breakdown / quiet period but just looked high relative to the highest part of the track. I'm ambivalent about turning it on by default because it could be confusing.