Comment 11 for bug 1228789

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RAWRR (rawrr) wrote :

--"How did you make the mock up? Inside the MIxxx source?"

I wish I knew how to do that. No, I just took a screenshot and very carefully cut and pasted elements using PhotoFiltre 7.

--"To me this is pretty much the same than the "Point and Click Filter"

A little similar maybe? Max's version is a bit cluttered and complicated for my taste... I prefer things very straightforward and simple where possible.

--"What about skip the preference changes and introduce "Artist", "Genre" ... as Tree items?"

I thought about that, it certainly would be more direct. But it also would add more elements to the tree and the UI that might be confusing - novice users might think that there were more tracks there than there are or something. It would be immediately at your fingertips though which would be nice. I personally would consider that arrangement clutter, however, if this was the best way to implement it I would think it an improvement over the current layout definitely.

--"Mixxx has already Virtual Folders"

Maybe "Filtered Categories" or "Virtual Directories" or even "Pseudofolders"? Maybe just plain "Library Categories"? "Filter" to me doesn't imply an object, the visual object that results from enabling the feature. Filter also to me implies that any term can be used, such as wildcards, which would not be the case here. Filter applies to typed searches well. My "Pseudofolder" idea has no typing, only visual objects to click or touch. Or even something as direct and simple as the image attached :)

--"Later we can easily extend this feature by custom filters like: "year:>2010 genre:dance""

Maybe. I'd still want those selections to be out of the way of the gui, to be choices made, set, and left alone in the preferences menu. I could do a mockup for that too but I'd have to think it out a lot more than I'm capable of atm -_-* (tired)