Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit e66e1f61bdee07b5743c07169b790ba76cf6d2f3 Author: Sharat Sharma <email address hidden> Date: Wed Nov 16 19:05:10 2016 +0530
Fixed action screen "run" button CSS issue
Inside action screen, the "run" button is smaller than its text. This patch fixes it.
Change-Id: Idf3e33d65b6271448f9f7d56cb3d5635af5d95d0 Closes-Bug: #1642248
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/398361 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ mistral- dashboard/ commit/ ?id=e66e1f61bde e07b5743c07169b 790ba76cf6d2f3
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit e66e1f61bdee07b 5743c07169b790b a76cf6d2f3
Author: Sharat Sharma <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Nov 16 19:05:10 2016 +0530
Fixed action screen "run" button CSS issue
Inside action screen, the "run" button is smaller than its text.
This patch fixes it.
Change-Id: Idf3e33d65b6271 448f9f7d56cb3d5 635af5d95d0
Closes-Bug: #1642248