
Comment 0 for bug 1543049

Revision history for this message
Alan Griffiths (alan-griffiths) wrote :

$ ls lib/server-modules/
graphics-android.so.7 graphics-dummy.so graphics-mesa-kms.so.8 input-evdev.so.4 input-stub.so server-mesa-x11.so.8
graphics-android.so.8 graphics-mesa-kms.so.7 graphics-throw.so input-evdev.so.5 server-mesa-x11.so.7

$ bin/mir_unit_tests --gtest_filter=InputPlatformProbe*
Running main() from main.cpp
Note: Google Test filter = InputPlatformProbe*
[==========] Running 4 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 4 tests from InputPlatformProbe
[ RUN ] InputPlatformProbe.stub_platform_not_picked_up_by_default
[2016-02-08 10:25:31.446023] mirserver: Selected input driver: mir:evdev-input (version: 0.20.0)
[ OK ] InputPlatformProbe.stub_platform_not_picked_up_by_default (34 ms)
[ RUN ] InputPlatformProbe.x11_platform_found_and_used_when_display_connection_works
[2016-02-08 10:25:31.460373] mirserver: Selected input driver: mir:x11-input (version: 0.20.0)
[2016-02-08 10:25:31.462505] mirserver: Selected input driver: x11-input (version: 0.19.0)
[2016-02-08 10:25:31.488286] mirserver: Selected input driver: mir:evdev-input (version: 0.20.0)
/home/alan/display_server/development-branch/tests/unit-tests/input/test_input_platform_probing.cpp:149: Failure
Value of: platforms
Expected: has 2 elements and there exists some permutation of elements such that:
 - element #0 is a or derived from a N3mir5input5evdev8PlatformE, and
 - element #1 is a or derived from a N3mir5input1X14XInputPlatformE
  Actual: { 24-byte object <F0-8F 46-04 00-00 00-00 E0-8F 46-04 00-00 00-00 00-D4 43-04 00-00 00-00>, 24-byte object <60-94 46-04 00-00 00-00 50-94 46-04 00-00 00-00 80-DA 43-04 00-00 00-00>, 24-byte object <A0-D5 43-04 00-00 00-00 90-D5 43-04 00-00 00-00 50-DA 45-04 00-00 00-00> }, which has 3 elements
[ FAILED ] InputPlatformProbe.x11_platform_found_and_used_when_display_connection_works (42 ms)
[ RUN ] InputPlatformProbe.x11_input_platform_not_used_when_vt_specified
[2016-02-08 10:25:31.524523] mirserver: Selected input driver: mir:evdev-input (version: 0.20.0)
[ OK ] InputPlatformProbe.x11_input_platform_not_used_when_vt_specified (36 ms)
[ RUN ] InputPlatformProbe.allows_forcing_stub_input_platform
[2016-02-08 10:25:31.530326] mirserver: Selected input driver: mir:stub-input (version: 0.20.0)
[ OK ] InputPlatformProbe.allows_forcing_stub_input_platform (5 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from InputPlatformProbe (117 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 4 tests from 1 test case ran. (118 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 3 tests.
[ FAILED ] 1 test, listed below:
[ FAILED ] InputPlatformProbe.x11_platform_found_and_used_when_display_connection_works