
Comment 2 for bug 1239955

Revision history for this message
Robert Carr (robertcarr) wrote :

It presents to me like this...a quite strange series of symptoms:

1. Start phone, stop unity8 (while the screen is ON).
2. Run integration tests, succeeds.
3. start unity8, repeat these steps, works every time

On the other hand
1. Start phone. stop unity8 (while the screen is OFF)
2. Run integration tests, fail with this error
3. Over and over :p

The particularly strange bit, is even though unity8 is dead, if you press the physical power button, the integration tests will pass, and the binary will fail to exit (haven't found out why yet).

Due to this last symptom I blame preemptively blame powerd for messing with the backlight or some sort of display state or something and HWC behaving weirdly as a result (Where else could the power button press come in to play?). Investigating deeper.