
Comment 0 for bug 1233944

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Thomi Richards (thomir-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

When running unity8 on top of mir, the input events generated by autopilot have no effect on the application under test. I've spent the best part of a day debugging this, so what follows is a brain dump of everything we've tried, so others can continue the effort while I sleep.

Basic Notes:

To run the autopilot tests, there are a few things you need to do:

1) Get the test cases. From the host, run 'phablet-click-test-setup'.

2) Switch to running mir: "touch ~phablet/.display-mir && sudo reboot"

3) Install the test dependencies. In this example I'll use the ubuntu ui toolkit test suite:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot

4) Unlike surface flinger, you *must* have the unity8 shell running when trying to run a test suite. This is becasue without unity8, there's no display server, so you can't launch any applications. This caught me out for a while, because the error message you get isn't particularly intuitive.

5) Now you can run the test. I recommend just running a single test:

cd ~/autopilot
autopilot run -v ubuntuuitoolkit.tests.gallery.test_gallery.GenericTests.test_navigation

The test will fail because the input events never make it through to the application.

Debugging mir:

If you export some environment variables...

initctl set-env MIR_SERVER_INPUT_REPORT=log

and then restart unity8 (so those environment variables are picked up), then re-run the autopilot test, you'll get additional log output from mir in ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log

If you run those tests again, you'll see two messages like this:

[EE, android-input] [EventHub]could not open /dev/input/event6, Permission denied
[EE, android-input] [EventHub]could not open /dev/input/event7, Permission denied

This is mir finding the new device nodes that autopilot creates, but failing to open them.

I ran unity8 under strace, and the resulting log file is here:


It's a large log file, but the relevant sections are:

6214 open("/dev/input/event7", O_RDWR|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC <unfinished ...>
6214 <... open resumed> ) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)

Note that, at this point, you probably want an easier way to reproduce this than running the entire autopilot test. You can simply run this in a shell:

python -c "from time import sleep; from autopilot.input import Touch; t = Touch.create(); sleep(60)"

Debugging Permissions:

So it looks like a file permissions problem. We've looked at the following:

i) The file permissions in the ubuntu-side:

$ ls -l /dev/input/event*
crw-rw---- 1 root android_input 13, 64 Oct 1 23:37 /dev/input/event0
crw-rw---- 1 root android_input 13, 65 Oct 1 23:37 /dev/input/event1
crw-rw---- 1 root android_input 13, 66 Oct 1 23:37 /dev/input/event2
crw-rw---- 1 root android_input 13, 67 Oct 1 23:37 /dev/input/event3
crw-rw---- 1 root android_input 13, 68 Oct 1 23:37 /dev/input/event4
crw-rw---- 1 root android_input 13, 69 Oct 1 23:37 /dev/input/event5
crw-rw---- 1 root android_input 13, 70 Oct 2 02:36 /dev/input/event6
crw-rw---- 1 root android_input 13, 71 Oct 2 02:36 /dev/input/event7

ii) The permissions android-side:

$ sudo android-chroot
root@android:/ # ls -l /dev/input/event*
crw-rw---- root input 13, 64 2013-10-01 23:37 event0
crw-rw---- root input 13, 65 2013-10-01 23:37 event1
crw-rw---- root input 13, 66 2013-10-01 23:37 event2
crw-rw---- root input 13, 67 2013-10-01 23:37 event3
crw-rw---- root input 13, 68 2013-10-01 23:37 event4
crw-rw---- root input 13, 69 2013-10-01 23:37 event5
crw-rw---- root input 13, 70 2013-10-02 02:36 event6
crw-rw---- root input 13, 71 2013-10-02 02:36 event7

iii) We've verified that this is not apparmor doing something to us:

$ grep DENIED /var/log/syslog

Other Interesting Things:

If we create the autopilot touch device before unity8 starts, then mir is able to open the device nodes just fine. This suggests to me that:

 - it's not something to do with these devices being uinput, rather than "real" devices.

The code that opens this device is (in lp:mir HEAD)

3rd_party/android-input/android/frameworks/base/services/input/EventHub.cpp line 959 and looks like this:

int fd = open(devicePath, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
if(fd < 0) {
    ALOGE("could not open %s, %s\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));
    return -1;

I wondered if the open mode flags were causing a problem, but a simple program that opens the same device in the same way works perfectly.

Current Suspicions:

The big clue here seems to be that mir can open all devices when it starts, but fails to open devices that are created later. Perhaps:

 - mir has fewer priviledges / permissions later, than it does when it starts up?

 - perhaps there's a race condition, and both mir *and* something else are trying to access the same device node at the same time, and this is somehow causing problems.