
Comment 10 for bug 1218815

Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

OK then. I would blame bypass but based on comment #5 you're effectively saying bypass is not the problem (because it still happens with bypass disabled).

Other changes that landed between those two package versions (r1028..1033) are relatively insignificant. So the possibilities are:
1. One of those insignificant changes has caused the problem; or
2. You made a mistake when trying the workaround from bug 1218735; or
3. You downgraded some other package which has fixed the problem.

I think #3 is now most likely, so... Using the "working" packages, please run "ps auxw | grep mir" and verify for us that Mir is in fact running. Also try "ps auxw | grep unity-system-compositor".

Please also try generating a full package list for both the working and non-working states, with:
    dpkg -l > working.txt
and then break it again before doing:
    dpkg -l > nonworking.txt
and attach those.