Comment 3 for bug 932814

Revision history for this message
Cris Dywan (kalikiana) wrote :

There's been some brainstorming on this, but no work done. TODO here means things that need to be implemented, the the other points are technically available.

app mode:
no history/ bookmarks unless --history, window icon, no chrome, read config TODO, extensions TODO, cookies/ html5 shared TODO

no history/ bookmarks, mini ui, read config, extensions TODO, no cookies/ html5

So the way I see it, we want to go beyond Mark's patch, and run web apps in their own session, while taking existing data as a base.
The semi-related piece is supporting extensions in private browsing, listed here for completeness.

Mark, I think your patch looks like a great start. Maybe stop by on #midori in Freenode to discuss this a bit?

So further tasks I can roughly think of would be:
 - use a separate name/ id for each app, in its own instance
 - copy existing cookies, html5 databases into new config folder
 - use something like ~/.local/share/midori/apps to store new data
 - possibly allow extensions to be enabled