Comment 1 for bug 743447

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Danielle Foré (danrabbit) wrote :

I would also like a new tab button in the tabbar, but I think it'd be better to put it in a static location. Putting it where the next tab would go makes it a moving target, which means the interface is less predictable and makes muscle memory impossible. So, I think it'd be better to have it stuck on the right side of the bar where it won't be displaced by any tabs and it won't displace any tabs.

I know Christian's concern with placing the button in the tabbar is that if you don't have the tabbar set to "always show", the button is only useful when you have 2 or more tabs open already. It seems like most browsers are starting to solve this by always showing the tabbar, but I don't know if this is a design decision that we'd want to make with Midori.

Another concern is duplicate UI. If the recommended configuration is to have the button in the toolbar, showing it in the tabbar is duplicate UI. However, we currently also have the button in the AppMenu. So, I suppose we don't currently don't have a recommended work flow for this.

Considering these things... My suggestion would be to set some different defaults in Midori. Like other browsers, we should set the tabbar to "always show" and place the button on the right side of the tabbar. It also may be useful to investigate making the button have a right-click option for making a new window. Then we can remove those two entries from the AppMenu and not have to worry about showing the button in the toolbar by default.

For heavy tab users, this is probably going to be a perfectly comfortable change since they have the tabbar shown almost always anyway. It will also place the actions closer to the things they affect and clean up the AppMenu. I think the only drawback/concern with always showing the tabbar is using up screen space. However since Midori hides the menubar by default I don't think we'd be taking up any more space than any other browser (except for Chrome which places the tabs in the window titlebar).

Thoughts Christian? :D