Comment 1 for bug 700054

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gue5t gue5t (gue5t) wrote : Re: It should be possible to open the result of form submissions in new tabs

The attached userscript (which can be tested by enabling the user addons extension) does most of what's requested here (submitting a form in new tabs with ctrl+clicking, ctrl+enter, and middle-click), with a few caveats:
It disrupts existing onclick handlers for form submit elements, and does not function on forms without submit buttons.
It doesn't add a "submit in new tab" menu item to the context menu for forms or submission buttons.
It doesn't work on all sites; Google's main page, for example, subverts some of the events it listens to.

These concerns would probably be better-addressed in an extension or patch to midori core that reimplements similar logic. This userscript could form the basis for a fallback implementation for older webkit versions that don't yet have C DOM bindings.