Comment 0 for bug 2055251

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Zachary Passmore (fireampersand) wrote :

I have been trying to deploy Microstack to my home lab for the last few days and keep getting stuck on the bootstrap of the first server. I am following ( on Ubuntu 22.04.04 LTS on bare metal servers. I try to run

sunbeam cluster bootstrap --role control --role compute --role storage

and then wait about an hour just for it to time out with the message: Error: Timed out while waiting for model 'openstack' to be ready

I get the same result on another freshly installed server. Checking sunbeam inspect logs it either seems like the SQL DB is not being created or its not accepting connections. In the debug_log_openstack.out there is a bunch of errors stating: mysql_k8s_helpers.MySQLServiceNotRunningError: Connection with mysqlsh not possible