Comment 11 for bug 2024992

Revision history for this message
Billy Olsen (billy-olsen) wrote :

Regarding the logs that you have provided. Thank you for supplying these! In the future, it may be beneficial to use tee instead of the redirection so you can get some of the output. I think you would have seen a bit more progress, especially running in verbose mode.

I don't see any obvious errors in the logs. The bootstrap here is a bit more complicated than the Ussuri-based microstack as its using Juju, Microk8s, Terraform and some other pieces under the covers. Unfortunately, the user feedback isn't terribly great during this bootstrap part as it just provides a spinning set of text next to deploying Control Plane. What tends to cause this to be slow is the access to pull the OCI images and place them into

From what I can see in the logs, the following steps have occurred:

1. Juju has been installed on the machine
2. Juju has added the local machine as a target for the deployment
3. Terraform has been initialized
4. Microk8s has been deployed to the local machine
5. Juju has been bootstrapped into Microk8s
6. Terraform has been used to deploy the control plane into the Microk8s

At the point in time that you cancelled the bootstrap, the control plane was still being deployed. Here is where the OCI images are being pulled down into the local Microk8s cluster. We have found this part to be a bit slower than desired. In some cases, depending on the bandwidth available, etc - the image pull process is taking exceedingly long and the bootstrap step will timeout :-(.

The way that the sunbeam version of Microstack works is that the commands attempt to be idempotent. You can simply run the bootstrap command again and it will fast-forward to the point it left off at.

We're currently in progress of addressing both the feedback to the user during this process and finding ways to speed up the image pull process. The user feedback will likely be solved first.

If you still have the deployment, you should hold off on running the configure step until the bootstrap step reports success. As previously mentioned, if it times out or if you cancel it, you can re-run the bootstrap command and the code will fast-forward to the place it left off at.