Comment 1 for bug 611487

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Hank Bromley (hank-archive) wrote :

This is the flip side of a problem I was skyping with Paul about earlier today. Both cases are about a mismatch between the item's repub_state and the state of its temporary RePublisher directories in /tmp/tmp on the datanode.

In the other case, the tmp directory was present because someone had previously begun RePublishing the item, but the repub_state had been reset from 3 to 1 because the item was sent through the preprocessor again. Trying to check it back out produced an error because the checkout script doesn't expect an item, once checked out, to go back to repub_state 1. I recommended fixing it by changing the repub_state back to 3; the checkout script should then allow the item to be re-checked out.

This case is the opposite: the tmp directory is no longer there, but the checkout script still expects to find it because the item's repub_state is 3. This one should be fixable by changing the repub_state to 1. The script will then think it was never checked out before, and will allow the "initial" checkout.

In both situations, the repub_state and the tmp dir were saying two different things about whether the item had previously been checked out for RePublishing, and both can be fixed by changing the repub_state to be consistent with the state of the tmp dir: 1 if there is no tmp dir, 3 if there is.