Comment 9 for bug 1925029

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Tae Hyoun Park (taehyounpark) wrote (last edit ):


I've encountered the exact same issue and fortunately came across this post. After looking into this a bit more, I found that:

(1) "Force" SM-only:
  generate p p > h [noborn=QCD] QED=1 NP=2 NP^2==0

(2) Linear-only:
  generate p p > h [noborn=QCD] QED=1 NP=2 NP^2==2

(3) BSM-only:
   generate p p > h [noborn=QCD] QED=1 NP=2 NP^2==4

(4) BSM-only for ggZH:
  generate g g > h l+ l- [noborn=QCD] NP=2 NP^2==4

Interestingly, (1) and (2) runs fine. (3) produces the exact same error, whereas (4) with a "slightly different" process also runs fine.

I'm a bit puzzled by which specific scenarios under which this issue is being encountered by mg5aMC+SMEFT@NLO, and would greatly appreciate if the experts could shed some insight into this. Also, any feedback on which processes/syntax would yield obtainable & valid results (i.e. LO EFT correction for loop-induced processes) will be very helpful.

For reference, am using MG5_aMC@NLO 2.9.9 (inside ATLAS experiment's event generation environment) + SMEFTatNLO 1.0.3.