Comment 8 for bug 1897721

Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) wrote :

Ok I do not reproduce that issue for that gridpack, I guess that this might be related to some environment variable (in particular what is your PYTHONPATH?)

So looking at you sed command is instructive. Do you need both sed command to remove that printout?

The second one seems fully irrelevant for me.

The first one might indicate what the issue is:
    if __debug__ and options.logging == 'INFO':
        options.logging = 'DEBUG'
    logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(root_path, 'internal', 'me5_logging.conf'))
    logging.root.setLevel(eval('logging.' + options.logging))
    logging.getLogger('madgraph').setLevel(eval('logging.' + options.logging))

You can see that all the setting are done in a way to avoid any crash on the logging in case something happens, so the situation is likely that one of those command are crashing replacing those lines with
    if __debug__ and options.logging == 'INFO':
        options.logging = 'DEBUG'
    logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(root_path, 'internal', 'me5_logging.conf'))
    logging.root.setLevel(eval('logging.' + options.logging))
    logging.getLogger('madgraph').setLevel(eval('logging.' + options.logging))

Should allow to identify which of those three lines have issue and allow to have the proper fix and keeping the correct functionality of the logging behavior.

Thanks for the help,
