Comment 2 for bug 1846887

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NecLimDul (neclimdul) wrote :

It is very complicated! I'm glad I can share some experience and code. :-D And good to hear python3 is a focus! I was definitely interested in looking into that progress.

" Currently broken by relying on git bzr plugin which runs into buts with bugs in bzr and fast-export. Something you posted to github but was thrown back at bzr."

Woops... I've been working on this in my free time and I left that note to myself at one point when I ran into a large problem and had to walk away for a bit. The script works very different now and the comment is not accurate so I've removed it from the README.

"Then do you have an example where you load various bzr branches into a single git repo?"
Yes that's actually what I have here You can use the "Branches" link in the left sidebar to view and even compare all the bzr branches launchpad listed and I combined into the repo.

Agreed, validation is a _very_ big deal in this sort of thing. I don't have enough knowledge of the project to know what sort of key things the team would need to be validated. Knowing that you're interested though I'll see if I can think of some ways I can provide some of that validation.