Comment 1 for bug 1846887

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Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) wrote :


This is a project that is quite interesting but which is for me quite complicated to do.
And for the moment, I need to focus on the python3 conversion before looking how to do the bzr to git conversion.

The issue when doing such conversion is obviously to keep all the branch history in place and be sure that we can still merge efficiently branches that have started to diverge more than 5 years ago.

What worries me in your code is first his README:" Currently broken by relying on git bzr plugin which runs into buts with bugs in bzr and fast-export. Something you posted to github but was thrown back at bzr."

Then do you have an example where you load various bzr branches into a single git repo?
I think the real issue here is to be sure that we can load all the branches in a consistent way and that we can efficiently merge them afterwards. This validation is actually what would take a lot of time to be convince that we have a tools that allow a clean transition. If you can do such careful validation that would be awesome.

