Comment 8 for bug 1829266

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mehdirahmani (mehdirahmani) wrote :

Thank you for your response.

Particle 21 is Gluon which is defined in sm model as follows:

  V[4] == {
    ClassName -> G,
    SelfConjugate -> True,
    Indices -> {Index[Gluon]},
    Mass -> 0,
    Width -> 0,
    ParticleName -> "g",
    PDG -> 21,
    PropagatorLabel -> "G",
    PropagatorType -> C,
    PropagatorArrow -> None,
    FullName -> "G"

When I do "display particles g" in MG5_aMC I get:
    'name': 'g',
    'antiname': 'g',
    'spin': 3,
    'color': 8,
    'charge': 0.00,
    'mass': 'ZERO',
    'width': 'ZERO',
    'pdg_code': 21,
    'line': 'curly',
    'propagator': 0,
    'is_part': True,
    'self_antipart': True,
    'type': '',
    'counterterm': {}

Do I have to modify anything? Do you see any problems with these definitions?