Comment 5 for bug 1829266

Revision history for this message
mehdirahmani (mehdirahmani) wrote :

Hi Oliver,

1. I have attached my zipped UFO folder. In this model the vertex "u u~ g" is included now:
L = ubar.Ga[mu].(gVu11 + gAu11 Ga[5]).u G[mu];

2. After u u~ g vertex is added, when I import sm model and my model in MadGraph and do "display interactions u u~ g", I get:

Interactions 3 : u~ u g has the following property:
    'id': 3,
    'particles': [-2,2,21],
    'color': [1 T(0,1)],
    'lorentz': ['FFV1', 'FFV2'],
    'couplings': {(0, 1): 'GC_5', (0, 0): 'GC_15'},
    'orders': {'DMV': 1},
    'loop_particles': None,
    'type': 'base',
    'perturbation_type': None

what does this mean now?

3. When I import my lhe file in and CMSSW and and run: Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --fileout file:out_sim.root --mc --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM --conditions 93X_mc2017_realistic_v3 --beamspot Realistic25ns13TeVEarly2017Collision --step GEN,SIM --geometry DB:Extended --era Run2_2017 --filetype LHE --filein file:events.lhe --python_filename --no_exec -n -1

and then cmsRun on it, I get the same error as before: "PYTHIA Error in ProcessLevel::checkColours: incorrect colour assignment". I have also attached a text file called errors.txt with PYTHIA output.
