Comment 10 for bug 1829266

Revision history for this message
mehdirahmani (mehdirahmani) wrote :

Hi again Oliver,

So I included an appropriate lagrangian for uplike uplike g vertex, now when I do "display interactions u u~ g" in MadGraph, I get:
    'id': 3,
    'particles': [-2,2,21],
    'color': [1 T(2,1,0)],
    'lorentz': ['FFV1'],
    'couplings': {(0, 0): 'GC_1'},
    'orders': {'QCD': 1},
    'loop_particles': None,
    'type': 'base',
    'perturbation_type': None

Is this correct now?

Then I went on and produced 10 events and tried to simulate cms on them. Now I think it works for 7 out of 10 events but it still gives me errors about 3 events: 3 Error in ProcessLevel::checkColours: incorrect colour assignment
but the final cross section after filter is not zero anymore. I have attached the output of cmsRun named errors_1.
Do you have further suggestions to solve this?