Comment 3 for bug 1674341

Revision history for this message
Nicolas A. Neill (nicolas.neill) wrote :

Hi Valentin,

After reshowering with

launch ~/mgoutput2/zjj_matched_MG253 -i
set nb_core 1
shower pythia8 run_01 -f

I get the following:

zjj_matched_MG253>set nb_core 1
INFO: This option will be the default in any output that you are going to create in this session.
INFO: In order to keep this changes permanent please run 'save options'
zjj_matched_MG253>shower pythia8 run_01 -f
INFO: compile directory
compile Source Directory
Will run in mode delphes
INFO: Running Pythia8 [arXiv:1410.3012]
No user-defined value for Pythia8 parameter 'JetMatching:nJetMax'. Setting it automatically to 2.
Follow Pythia8 shower by running the following command (in a separate terminal):
    tail -f /data/atlas/dbetalhc/nico-test/zjj_matched_MG253/Events/run_01/tag_2_pythia8.log
INFO: Create matching plots for Pythia8
Pythia8 cross-section could not be retreived.
Try turning parallelization off by setting the option nb_core to 1.
Pythia8 merged cross-sections could not be retreived.
Try turning parallelization off by setting the option nb_core to 1.
INFO: Pythia8 shower finished after 2 seconds.
INFO: prepare delphes run
INFO: Running Delphes
Command "shower pythia8 run_01 -f" interrupted with error:
AttributeError : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'launch_and_wait'
Please report this bug on
More information is found in '/data/atlas/dbetalhc/nico-test/zjj_matched_MG253/run_01_tag_2_debug.log'.
Please attach this file to your report.
INFO: storing files of previous run
INFO: Storing Pythia8 files of previous run
INFO: Done

It looks like it doesn't recognize the instruction with the number of cores. I also tried a new run with:

zjj_matched_MG253>generate_events --nb_core=1

but I get almost the same:

INFO: End of systematics computation
INFO: Storing parton level results
INFO: End Parton
reweight -from_cards
decay_events -from_cards
INFO: Running Pythia8 [arXiv:1410.3012]
No user-defined value for Pythia8 parameter 'JetMatching:nJetMax'. Setting it automatically to 2.
Follow Pythia8 shower by running the following command (in a separate terminal):
    tail -f /data/atlas/dbetalhc/nico-test/zjj_matched_MG253/Events/run_02/tag_2_pythia8.log
INFO: Create matching plots for Pythia8
Pythia8 cross-section could not be retreived.
Try turning parallelization off by setting the option nb_core to 1.
Pythia8 merged cross-sections could not be retreived.
Try turning parallelization off by setting the option nb_core to 1.
INFO: Pythia8 shower finished after 2 seconds.
INFO: prepare delphes run
INFO: Running Delphes
Command "generate_events --nb_core=1" interrupted with error:
AttributeError : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'launch_and_wait'
Please report this bug on
More information is found in '/data/atlas/dbetalhc/nico-test/zjj_matched_MG253/run_02_tag_2_debug.log'.
Please attach this file to your report.

I'm attaching the debug and pythia8 log files for the last run (the errors in the logs from the previous run are the same).
