Comment 21 for bug 1657615

Revision history for this message
Zachary Marshall (zach-marshall) wrote :

Hi guys,

Sorry, it looks like we aren't quite there. I thought that this would now pick up externals from the installation area. When I run:

generate p p > t t~ [QCD]
output -f

and then later:

./bin/generate_events --name=testRun

I see:

INFO: Compiling source...
INFO: ...done, continuing with P* directories
INFO: Compiling StdHEP (can take a couple of minutes) ...
INFO: ...done.
INFO: Compiling IREGI (can take a couple of minutes) ...
            f77: cmatrix_base.f90: linker input file unused because linking not done
            f77 -c oneloop/avh_olo_foriregi.f90 -O -g -fPIC -I/tmp/zmarshal/test0/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/Source/IREGI/src/oneloop
            f77: oneloop/avh_olo_foriregi.f90: linker input file unused because linking not done
            make[2]: *** No rule to make target `avh_olo_foriregi_dp_box.mod', needed by `mis_warp.o'. Stop.
            make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/zmarshal/test0/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/Source/IREGI/src'
            make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
            make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/zmarshal/test0/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/Source/IREGI/src'
            make: *** [../lib/libiregi.a] Error 2

The externals are installed as we discussed:

$ ls /cvmfs/
CutTools DiscreteSampler IREGI OfflineHEPToolsInstaller.tar.gz SMWidth StdHEP collier.tar.gz ninja.tar.gz oneloop.tar.gz ply

But they don't seem to be picked up. I see that they're meant to be searched for in an auto-generated path, but I'm having trouble following where the path is really coming from. I also don't see any option in the config card to specify the location of IREGI or these other externals. What am I missing here?
