Comment 97 for bug 160311

Revision history for this message
Kevin Jadin (marcspitz) wrote :

I'm one of those who find window resizing a relatively difficult task on Gnome. The resizing areas are the actual themes border's size.

I think that there should be an optional transparent resizing zone when necessary.
There should be a changeable default size option that would let us adapt this transparent border accordingly to the actual's themes one.

Here's how I think this should be implemented :
AdditionalTransparentBordersSize = DefaultWishedSize - ActualThemesBordersSize and number must be positive only. So that if the themes border is already large enough, the transparent border's size would reduce or even be non-existent.

ex : We would like a constant border's size of 5 px. Given our theme has 3 px large borders. Additional transparent border should be 5-3=2 px.

I really dont know how this could be implemented... It sounds dumb to me as I doubt being the only one thinking about such a solution.

But let's hope it helps...