Comment 90 for bug 160311

Revision history for this message
fermulator (fermulator) wrote :

So there are two separate issues here now:
 1. Border thickness (Thomas' patch)
    --- This introduction of a slider is a great idea. It gives the user some GUI control of his/her theme in GNOME. I think it's certainly a nice perk, and is yet another form of control given to the user via the GUI instead of modifying the XML file. This inadvertently provides an easier workaround for window resizing, but does not solve the underlying problem.
 2. Border resize can be difficult with a "thin" border
    --- So here we have the scenario that if a user wants thin borders (or has chosen a theme with thin borders) for aesthetic reasons, then resizing his/her windows can be difficult. The difficulty to grab 1px of the screen is linearly proportional to the ever increasing resolution sizes on desktop monitors. Two ideas/solutions have been proposed:
    A) Virtual Border -- This would have to be user controllable, float. If the user is using a thick border, they probably would want to disable this, but if the user is using a thin border (1px for example), then they should be able to control the percentage of "virtual border area" +/- around the borders. As I stated previously (, a good default is 0.15% for this value.
   B) Snap to Border -- This would also have to be user controllable, boolean. Disable/Enable. As some users have pointed out, some people will hate this behaviour, while others might find it useful. Snap to Border would be mutually exclusive to Virtual Border, but follow a similar implementation. If the user is within said 0.15% (user configurable), the cursor would "snap" to the actual border.