Comment 2 for bug 1371454

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Gerry Boland (gerboland) wrote :

Introspect error on :1.391:/com/canonical/Autopilot/Introspection: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply.

This nearly always means the application under test has either crashed or has hung.

Digging, I found that indeed unity8 is handing. Backtrace points to Qt's GUI thread being blocked on the android side. I made a guess and commented out the Audio{} component in qml/Notifications/Notifications.qml and found the hang disappeared.

The final lines of output from unity8 also lend weight to that guess:

  Initializing AalServicePlugin
  Creating a new static Service instance

I tried to grab a backtrace, but this is all I managed and I suspect the bionic bits are just wrong:
Thread1 is Qt's GUI thread which is blocked. Frame3 of that backtrace not in the address space. Also why is MD5 being calculated? So I'm confused! Probable my build of bionic libc not matching that on device.