Comment 6 for bug 696562

Revision history for this message
Alan Lawrence (acl) wrote :

I am having a similar problem with a different IME programmed to receive SEP broadcasts.

Initially, I was using a very noisy switch (touching copper/electrum wires together! Too noisy to be usable, each touch of the wires generated many on/off switch activations). This seemed to put the switch event provider into a state whereby every 3 seconds or so, a disconnect (with on-screen toast) would be followed immediately by a reconnect, with no perceptible delay inbetween.

Having now rigged up better/less noisy switches, the problem is now more how you describe: after using the switches successfully for some number of presses, (a) further switch presses no longer generate/broadcast switch events, and (b) a disconnect occurs approximately every 15-20 seconds, then reconnecting approx 1sec later. (However, even upon the supposed reconnect, no switch events are broadcast.)

Unplugging the shield from power, waiting 30 secs (until notification disappears from Android status bar), then reconnecting the shield to power, seems to fix the problem (switch presses are then picked up, and there is no disconnect/reconnect cycle, until a good number of switch presses have been made). However, what triggers the shield to get into this state, I'm not sure: the first time it took only 10-20 presses, other times it's been more like 100, now I've been failing to trigger it for hours :) so can't report what LEDs are lit up!