Comment 2 for bug 695918

Revision history for this message
Walter Heck (walterheck) wrote :

These warnings are very confusing.
When using log_slow_queries, I get the following message:

<pre>110526 11:37:49 [Warning] The syntax '--log_slow_queries' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL 7.0. Please use '--slow_query_log'/'--log-slow-file' instead.</pre>

But if I follow that recommendation and change to slow_query_log, I get this warning. Not sure which combination is best/correct

<pre>110628 10:50:26 [Warning] options --log-slow-admin-statements, --log-queries-not-using-indexes and --log-slow-slave-statements have no effect if --log_slow_queries is not set</pre>